Mum is going insane...

Haha, I'm not lying! My mum is crazy!
Now she made a little "wish list" and on that list it says:
∞ Pullip Aya ∞
∞ Dal Puki ∞
∞ Isul Mao ∞
And I'm totally sure they will arrive home as soon as she got the money. One at a time. Slowly our family is getting bigger. We started as two, but who knows how many we will be when the summer ends?
I can't wait, I'm as excited as my mum! KJNDKJNDAKJVNFASDLGA there you got a tiny sign of my excitement...
Btw, I'm hoping my mum will make me some more dresses and buy me some friggin shoes!! And we promise to give you a photoshoot when we got the time!