Dolls for the doll

My mum gave me two super cute dolls today! I was so happy, they are so damn cute! I love them already and I've had them for like one hour. I named the pink one Cupcake and the blue one Vanilla. Have a look!

Cupcake at the left, Vanilla at the right
Another dress for me!

So, my owner made me another dress. It's cute but not perfect, haha. Have a look!

New dress!

Today my owner made me a new dress. Just a simple black one, but I like it. So I give you two pictures of how it turned out!

Finally two pictures

I was out in the sun today with my owner, and believe it or not, we look quite funny together because we have the same haircolor! Have no pics of that unfortunately. But I borrowed my boyfriend's shoes and took my red cape, looking fabulous with my doll! Here's two pics!